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How to cut timber like Frederick McCubbin paintings

How to cut timber like Frederick McCubbin paintings

Frederick McCubbin Sawing Timber 1907

Ah, sawing timber like Frederick McCubbin! McCubbin was an Australian artist known for his beautiful landscapes and depictions of everyday life, as an art teacher and artist based in Melbourne Australia.  Frederick legacy is etched in the fabric of Australian history and the worth of his painting has only increased.

According to Wikipedia Frederick's Idyll painting sold for over two million:

In 1998 McCubbin's painting Bush Idyll (1893) sold for $2,312,500, a then-record price for an Australian painting at public auction. Widely considered to be amongst the finest paintings in Australian art history, Bush Idyll was on long term display in the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra between 2017 and 2020 and between late 2021 and early 2022 it formed part of the key retrospective, 'Frederick McCubbin - Whisperings in wattle boughs" at the Geelong Gallery, Geelong.

On 25 February 2005, the 150th anniversary of his birth, the premiere of McCubbin: A Musical Biography of Frederick McCubbin by Peter Burgess was staged at Federation Square, Melbourne.

This 1907 oil on canvas painting is not only a well-known art piece. It is a great teaching tool. The tradesman in the picture is holding the saw at approximately a 45-degree angle, with the blade facing that direction. The art piece seems to indicate a smooth, even motion to guide the saw through the wood, applying gentle pressure. Keep his hands and body in a comfortable position to avoid strain and fatigue. 

Of course, at times it may be tempting to rush the use of a saw blade, taking shortcuts can lead to uneven cuts, splintered wood, and even injury. Instead, taking the time and focus on proper technique. Could you see the man in the painting above not using the correct process to ensure his livelihood?

  • What is good sawing technique.
  • Frederick McCubbin's captured live.
  • Tips to maintain a saw.

Then there is the timber saw itself they were not easy things to maintain and took time and effort. Sharpening old wood saws can be a bit of a challenge, here are some steps he would have likely followed to ensure it was working correctly:

  1. Examine the saw.
  2. Cleaning the debris from the tool.
  3. Determine the angle of the teeth.
  4. Used a sharpening stone.
  5. Check the edge of each saw tooth edge.
  6. Hone the edge.
  7. Test the saw and start the process

If you think it was time-consuming at the start, you're correct. Sharpening old wood saws can be a bit of a challenge, and it may take some time to get the hang of it. However, with practice and patience, you can develop the skills and techniques needed. 

What can Frederick McCubbin teach us about saw techniques?
The tradesman has elements of a good technique


Amazingly, a single painting can reveal a wealth of information about Australian modern history. From the styles and fashions of the time and teaching us the importance of proper technique and proper maintenance, this well-crafted painting can capture the essence of a particular moment in history. Frederick McCubbin's painting can help us gain a deeper understanding of the people, events, and cultural trends that shaped Australian history."  


Image attributed to Frederick McCubbin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons